Friday, June 7, 2013

         The experience I had during the gallery show was very interesting; I hadn’t had anything like it. The advice I can give to next year’s AP Art classes, is that they need to stay on task with their work to make it the best they can. Creating a portfolio was a bit stressful, but I was able to go through it. Through this year of class, I liked how I had the freedom of going out of class and taking many different interesting pictures in different an artist I learned that I can take photographs in interesting my future life I may plan to use my references that I learned this year.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What I tried to express in my concentration, are abstractions with children. Since I am almost always surrounded by children smaller than me, I thought it would be a good idea to use children in my photographs. Working with children is surely hard to do, since they are moving at all times. In my pictures I used different principles of design, like line of repetition, contrast, and texture.

            In the process in taking my photographs, I started off with taking pictures of the things that children do. That didn’t really work as much so I moved on, on to taking portrait pictures. They looked much better and they mostly include low saturation. At the beginning of my concentration I started off with single shots and then ended up with layered photographs. I used texture in most of my photographs to show how the mood of the picture is. Abstraction, contrast, and rule of thirds are some other principle of design that I use in my photographs. On my first set of pictures they start off with black’s whites and grays, and then lead of to color.


Friday, March 22, 2013

i have been working with children these few weeks. These photographs are what ive been working on. During spring break i am thinking of maybe going for more portrait pictures.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

In these photographs, i tried to create an abstraction look to the childs posture.

Friday, March 1, 2013

These two images are some more child activity. they show that he has a thoughtful outgoing side.

In these photographs, i really didn't know what i was doing. I trired involving a child doing things to make an abstract image in his poit of view.